July newsletter


We have several items to cover in Julys newsletter and will start with the latest event:

Union Point

Most know by now that Southfield has been renamed Union Point. There are a lot of mixed feelings on this new name, but I think we should all remember it's what's inside our development that matters most. While LStar is the master developer and has the authority to change the name of the development, we want to stress to LStar the current residents should be given more then a 10 minute notice before such changes occur. We will keep you updated on our communication with them.

The enabling legislation created and named the Southfield Redevelopment Authority and our Southfield Neighborhood Association is named in the legislation as well.  Because of that both organizations will be keeping the name Southfield.

New Trash Collection Day

There is a new trash collection day starting the week of July 18th. The new weekly pick-up will be Thursdays, beginning July 21st and every Thursday moving forward.

Neighborhood Website

Our website is:  www.southfieldneighbors.com don't forget to check it out!

Members will have access to an Active member only page. This page will contain a blog that you can leave comments on, as well as the expense information of the Association so you can see where and how your dues are being spent. Membership rate of $25 per person and $40 per two adults in the household to cover dues through October. Please reach out to SNAmembership@gmail.com about becoming an Active member if you aren't already. 

Water Contract

LStar and the town of Weymouth are still working on a long term water/sewer solution. You might have seen recent articles in the Patriot Ledger about this. LStar and the town have come to a short term contract to continue to provide water/sewer service. We are still waiting to see what the ultimate long term solution is.

Mothers Group

As a reminder, there is a mothers group in the neighborhood. Any mother or expecting mom is welcome to join. Activities include casual monthly play dates. Please email Margaret Caswell at mcaswell73@gmail.com or reach out via Facebook to the 'Union Point Mothers' group to join.

Construction Issues/Complaints

Please reach out to any SNA board member to let them know of any construction/contractor issues, such as speeding, cutting through back alleys and breaking the work curfew 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.