A message from SRA Reps March 14, 2019

Message from the SRA Representatives

March 14, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

This morning The Related Companies auctioned and took possession of approximately 220 acres of land mortgaged by LStar and zoned for commercial development at Union Point.  Combined with the previous foreclosure and acquisition of residential-zoned property by Washington Capital, these parcels represent a substantial majority of the land available for development at Union Point.

LStar remains the named master developer of Union Point.   The Southfield Redevelopment Authority (SRA) has notified LStar that they are in default of their obligations as master developer.  If LStar does not provide a satisfactory remedy for the default, the Authority expects to terminate LStar as master developer later this month or early in April.

The process of remedy or termination has been frustratingly but necessarily slow.  The SRA must act within the cumbersome legal framework of enabling legislation which created the Authority, as well as the Development and Disposition Agreement between the Authority and LStar.  We have worked diligently with our legal counsel to ensure a fair and compliant process.

In the event that LStar is terminated, both Washington Capital and Related Companies have pledged to work with the SRA to secure a new master developer and work toward a new development plan acceptable to all stakeholders.  Several reputable regional and national development companies have indicated a preliminary interest in the project.

The SRA will encourage an open vetting of interested developers and their plans.  We believe the residents of Union Point and the host communities deserve to know exactly what is proposed, the economics behind those proposals, and a public explanation of any alternatives.   An open discussion and clear resolution of the Southfield Landowner’s Association structure, as well as municipal and developer infrastructure and maintenance obligations should be part of the public discussion.

In spite of all the travails, both of us strongly believe in the future of the development.  It is vitally important, however, that residents stay fully engaged in the process and be ready to make our voices heard.  Please join the Southfield Neighborhood Association, participate in the UPvoters.org ‘get out the vote’ effort, and be ready to speak with resolute determination.  Our community voice can act as an important catalyst is ensuring a development that benefits all stakeholders.

Lyndsey Kruzer

David Rubin

Director Open Position March 12, 2019

Open SNA Board of Directors Position

March 12, 2019

Hello Neighbors,

RE:  Seeking a candidate for the open Board of Directors position

March 11, 2019


The SNA (Southfield Neighborhood Association) has received a resignation from a board member (Article XII – Section 2), who will be moving and therefore resulting in an open SNA Board of Directors position.  We are seeking any interested persons to please submit in writing a letter of interest with credentials and a resume for the open position by 5 pm on Friday, March 29, 2019.  Please submit all letters of intent in a PDF format to lagover93@gmail.com (Lori Gover, HOA Meadows) Board of Director – Communications.  Please include in the subject line:  Board of Directors position

Duties of the Board – Article VIII – Section 4

The Board of Directors shall manage and control the affairs and property of the Association.  The general management by the Board of Directors shall include, but not be limited to:

a.       Ensuring that the minutes of all the meetings are kept:

b.       Representing the Association in all matters;

c.       Maintaining records of the activities of the organization and the Board of Directors;

d.       Gathering information and carry out research on the neighborhood issues;

e.       Publicizing meeting and other activities of the Association and neighborhood;

f.        Encouraging and assisting the formation and activities of any affiliated organizations

g.       Holding neighborhood meetings inviting the community at large, including Members and other residents; and

h.       Engaging in such other activities as may be lawful and customary for Neighborhood Association consistent with applicable law.

Article XIII Removals, Resignations and Vacancies:

Section 3:  Any vacancy in the board of Directors or an Office shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Directors at any meeting of the Board of Directors.  Each such successor shall hold office for the remaining unexpired term.


Article V – Nondiscrimination Policy

The Association will not practice or permit any unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex, age, race, color, national origin, religion, physical handicap or disability, sexual identity, sexual preference, gender identity or any other basis prohibited by law

SRA Notice of Intent to Terminate Feb 20, 2019

SRA Notice of Intent to Terminate LStar

February 20, 2019

As you may have anticipated, the Southfield Redevelopment Authority (SRA) voted tonight to serve LStar with notice of termination pursuant to Section 11.3 of the Third Amended and Restated Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA). Many of you might remember that in December the SRA board voted to serve LStar with notice they are in breach of the DDA. This gave LStar a reasonable period of time to cure such default, not to be less than 30 days. The SRA now feels that a reasonable time period has been given, and the defaults have not been cured. Therefore the SRA has taken the next step to notify LStar of their termination as the master developer of Union Point. Notice of the termination of the DDA means that in 30 days LStar will no longer be the master developer within Union Point. The SRA may need to institute legal proceedings to clean up some of what that means and ensure a court agrees with their assessment.

There are more questions than answers on what this means for the future. As much as we would love to speculate exactly what this means, it appears to early to tell. The possibilities are endless and opportunities will come along with that. The Southfield Neighborhood Association (SNA) Board of Directors is doing everything we can to make sure the residents have a seat at the table during these important discussions.

Additionally, Washington Capital has scheduled an additional foreclosure auction on the commercial land used to secure the debt. This will take place on March 13th.

The patriot ledger article describes the meeting as well at: https://www.patriotledger.com/news/20190220/board-seeks-to-oust-embattled-union-point-developer

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions,

Brittany Besler

Heidi Anderson

Robin White

Robin McNamara

Linda Rubin

Lori Gover

Neighborhood Association Report Jan 31, 2019

Neighborhood Association Report

January 31, 2019

Dear Fellow Neighborhood Association Members,

This email is being sent to notify residents of financial issues related to LStar that are impacting the Southfield Landowners’ Association (SLA).  As everyone knows, the future of LStar’s involvement as Master Developer in Union Point is in jeopardy due to financial issues with many entities in and out of the state.  

In December, all the property owners in the Union Point development received a copy of the SLA 2019 Operating Budget. The Southfield Redevelopment Authority (SRA) representatives alerted the Southfield Neighborhood Association (The Neighborhood Association) Board of Directors to a potential problem with the SLA budget in December.

The Neighborhood Association Board of Directors began a detailed review of the budget. Part of this review included a meeting with our SRA representatives to discuss specific issues of liability raised earlier. As a result of that meeting, the Dartmouth Group was contacted with a detailed list of the back-up information needed to further review the line items in the SLA budget. It is very important that the Neighborhood Association understand the details of this budget because, according to the SLA documents, we are all responsible for these expenses.  These costs not only include our individual areas (i.e., where the houses are located), but also the expenses associated with operating the Delahunt Parkway and Shea and Memorial Drive (landscaping, water, lighting, snow removal, and miscellaneous expenses).

The SRA held a public meeting January 30th to discuss the maintenance of the Parkway and the fact that it has been included in the SLA budget. The Neighborhood Association Board, along with the SRA, have attempted to better understand the reasoning for this. For context, the Parkway is owned by the SRA, and an agreement is in place for the Master Developer to maintain the area adjacent to the Parkway. It is possible that the Master Developer was incorrect in passing this cost on to the SLA, and the residents that contribute to this budget. In order to better understand the agreement that is in place, a vote was taken by the SRA to allow the Executive Director, Paul Niedzwiecki, to retain outside legal counsel to advise on this agreement.

The question regarding the Parkway is one of the many issues resulting from the Master Developer’s failure to perform that the Neighborhood Association directors are trying to understand. In pursuit of that, the directors are proactively having discussions with a number of parties involved with Union Point’s management and future. On Saturday, January 26th, the Neighborhood Association Board met with our Town Councilman Michael Smart, State Senator Patrick O’Connor, and our SRA representatives, to discuss these issues and potential landowner concerns. On the morning of January 30th,  several of us met with the Dartmouth Group to review the SLA budget and discuss concerns of the Neighborhood Association. The directors will also set up a meeting with Mayor Bob Hedlund within the next few weeks.

We know this is unwelcome news for all of us, but it is important that this information is communicated to you as neighbors, friends and stakeholders in this community. As soon as the directors have concrete information to share, it will be sent out. Please know that the Neighborhood Association is working with the SRA and our local representatives to use every means possible to navigate the complexities of the LStar situation.  While the permanent solution is not yet fully evident, the directors remain confident that by working together, we can weather the turbulence in the days ahead. The Neighborhood Association is committed to representing the voice and interests of all the landowners and to communicate regularly with you as the situation and potential resolutions emerge in the coming days.

Thank you,

Neighborhood Association Board

Brittany Besler Heidi Anderson Robin McNamara Robin White Lori Gover Linda Rubin

SRA Message

On April 17, the SRA board of directors made public Executive Director and General Counsel Paul Neidzwiecki’s letter of resignation, dated April 10, 2019 and effective April 21, 2019.  Also tonight, Brittany Besler joined the SRA board as the neighborhood association appointee, to serve out the remainder of Lyndsey Kruzer’s term.  Lyndsey resigned from the board earlier this month, as she will be moving out of Union Point and will no longer meet the residency requirements of a neighborhood appointee. 

We will keep our comments about Paul’s departure limited to those in the press release issued by the board (see below).  We would, however, reiterate our view that the SRA remains capable of vetting a new master developer and and committed to approving a credible development plan. 

We are committed to keeping residents informed and will schedule a community meeting in May to update you in person.  Also, we are always available by email or phone if you have specific concerns.


David Rubin & Brittany Besler

David, ubinray@gmail.com (508) 454-6816

Brittany, snabrittany@gmail.com  (609) 658-6571

On Wednesday, April 10, 2019, the Southfield Redevelopment Authority (SRA) Board of Directors accepted Executive Director and General Counsel Paul Niedzwiecki’s letter of resignation, effective April 21.  The board thanked Paul for his professional leadership, and in particular his central role in the difficult process of terminating LStar Southfield LLC as the project's master developer.  

Paul leaves the authority well positioned to assist in the selection of a new master developer, and approve a development plan which provides the maximum economic benefit to all stakeholders.  The staff continues, on an aggressive timeline, to compile the technical, regulatory and financial data necessary for a comprehensive request for proposal which fully outlines the scope and complexities of the project. 

The SRA had no input or control of the process of selecting the previous master developer, but has final authority in the approval of the next master developer.   The next master developer must come with a proven track record of success in similar projects, sufficient capital resources to satisfy their obligations, and provide financial transparency adequate to ensure project benchmarks are being met.  Any new master plan will be vetted publicly, grounded in economic reality, and address the significant infrastructure requirements necessary to realize the full development potential of the property.  

The Authority continues to meet with the property’s major creditors, as well as local, state and federal authorities whose approval and participation are pivotal to restarting development.  The SRA, in partnership with all constituencies, will zealously pursue a well vetted plan which maximizes economic return to Abington, Rockland, Weymouth, the region and the Commonwealth. 

Southfield Board of Directors

Commercial Land Auction at Union Point

Neighbors- Please see below for a message from the SRA

Dear Neighbors,

On March 13TH The Related Companies auctioned and took possession of approximately 220 acres of land mortgaged by LStar and zoned for commercial development at Union Point.  Combined with the previous foreclosure and acquisition of residential-zoned property by Washington Capital, these parcels represent a substantial majority of the land available for development at Union Point.

LStar remains the named master developer of Union Point.   The Southfield Redevelopment Authority (SRA) has notified LStar that they are in default of their obligations as master developer.  If LStar does not provide a satisfactory remedy for the default, the Authority expects to terminate LStar as master developer later this month or early in April.

The process of remedy or termination has been frustratingly but necessarily slow.  The SRA must act within the cumbersome legal framework of enabling legislation which created the Authority, as well as the Development and Disposition Agreement between the Authority and LStar.  We have worked diligently with our legal counsel to ensure a fair and compliant process.

In the event that LStar is terminated, both Washington Capital and Related Companies have pledged to work with the SRA to secure a new master developer and work toward a new development plan acceptable to all stakeholders.  Several reputable regional and national development companies have indicated a preliminary interest in the project.

The SRA will encourage an open vetting of interested developers and their plans.  We believe the residents of Union Point and the host communities deserve to know exactly what is proposed, the economics behind those proposals, and a public explanation of any alternatives.   An open discussion and clear resolution of the Southfield Landowner’s Association structure, as well as municipal and developer infrastructure and maintenance obligations should be part of the public discussion.

In spite of all the travails, both of us strongly believe in the future of the development.  It is vitally important, however, that residents stay fully engaged in the process and be ready to make our voices heard.  Please join the Southfield Neighborhood Association, participate in the UPvoters.org ‘get out the vote’ effort, and be ready to speak with resolute determination.  Our community voice can act as an important catalyst is ensuring a development that benefits all stakeholders.

Lyndsey Kruzer

David Rubin

Southfield Neighborhood Association Open Board of Directors Position

Hello Neighbors,

RE:  Seeking a candidate for the open Board of Directors position

March 12, 2019


The SNA (Southfield Neighborhood Association) has received a resignation from a board member (Article XII – Section 2), who will be moving and therefore resulting in an open SNA Board of Directors position.  We are seeking any interested persons to please submit in writing a letter of interest with credentials and a resume for the open position by 5 pm on Friday, March 29, 2019.  Please submit all letters of intent in a PDF format to lagover93@gmail.com (Lori Gover, HOA Meadows) Board of Director – Communications.  Please include in the subject line:  Board of Directors position

Duties of the Board – Article VIII – Section 4

The Board of Directors shall manage and control the affairs and property of the Association.  The general management by the Board of Directors shall include, but not be limited to:

a.       Ensuring that the minutes of all the meetings are kept:

b.       Representing the Association in all matters;

c.       Maintaining records of the activities of the organization and the Board of Directors;

d.       Gathering information and carry out research on the neighborhood issues;

e.       Publicizing meeting and other activities of the Association and neighborhood;

f.        Encouraging and assisting the formation and activities of any affiliated organizations

g.       Holding neighborhood meetings inviting the community at large, including Members and other residents; and

h.       Engaging in such other activities as may be lawful and customary for Neighborhood Association consistent with applicable law.

Article XIII Removals, Resignations and Vacancies:

Section 3:  Any vacancy in the board of Directors or an Office shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Directors at any meeting of the Board of Directors.  Each such successor shall hold office for the remaining unexpired term.


Article V – Nondiscrimination Policy

The Association will not practice or permit any unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex, age, race, color, national origin, religion, physical handicap or disability, sexual identity, sexual preference, gender identity or any other basis prohibited by law

Land Auction at Union Point

Dear Members-

We want to make you aware of an event that took place yesterday, Feb 7th. As you may be aware, Washington Capital foreclosed on their loan outstanding to Lstar, prompting a public auction of the land in question. Washington Capital has purchased the 14 residential parcels for 33.2M. Washington Capital is a bank and not a real estate developer. Any additional transfers of this land will require town and SRA approval. This means that a plan for the actual development of the land would be required to go through the formal town and SRA process before actual construction happens. The SRA has been vigilant in their process of protecting this community and we thank them for their service. The SNA board is currently working with the SRA to understand the impact on our community. In addition, we have set up a few meetings with local officials, including Mayor Hedlund, to discuss the long term opportunities of this development. Below is a link to the article.




Thank you for all of your continue support,

The SNA board of directors



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July newsletter


We have several items to cover in Julys newsletter and will start with the latest event:

Union Point

Most know by now that Southfield has been renamed Union Point. There are a lot of mixed feelings on this new name, but I think we should all remember it's what's inside our development that matters most. While LStar is the master developer and has the authority to change the name of the development, we want to stress to LStar the current residents should be given more then a 10 minute notice before such changes occur. We will keep you updated on our communication with them.

The enabling legislation created and named the Southfield Redevelopment Authority and our Southfield Neighborhood Association is named in the legislation as well.  Because of that both organizations will be keeping the name Southfield.

New Trash Collection Day

There is a new trash collection day starting the week of July 18th. The new weekly pick-up will be Thursdays, beginning July 21st and every Thursday moving forward.

Neighborhood Website

Our website is:  www.southfieldneighbors.com don't forget to check it out!

Members will have access to an Active member only page. This page will contain a blog that you can leave comments on, as well as the expense information of the Association so you can see where and how your dues are being spent. Membership rate of $25 per person and $40 per two adults in the household to cover dues through October. Please reach out to SNAmembership@gmail.com about becoming an Active member if you aren't already. 

Water Contract

LStar and the town of Weymouth are still working on a long term water/sewer solution. You might have seen recent articles in the Patriot Ledger about this. LStar and the town have come to a short term contract to continue to provide water/sewer service. We are still waiting to see what the ultimate long term solution is.

Mothers Group

As a reminder, there is a mothers group in the neighborhood. Any mother or expecting mom is welcome to join. Activities include casual monthly play dates. Please email Margaret Caswell at mcaswell73@gmail.com or reach out via Facebook to the 'Union Point Mothers' group to join.

Construction Issues/Complaints

Please reach out to any SNA board member to let them know of any construction/contractor issues, such as speeding, cutting through back alleys and breaking the work curfew 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.

February 2016 Newsletter

Southfield Redevelopment Authority Board

Unfortunately at last night’s meeting of the Southfield Redevelopment Authority (SRA) the Board of Directors, by a 6 – 3 vote, voted to offer an employment contract to one of the SRA employees.  Why is this important and why bring it up now you may ask?  First an article from the Patriot Ledger from last month gives some background on the issue.  Essentially under the enabling legislation that was passed last summer, the SRA has the ability to hire employees “at will” but not offer contracts.  Now that the Board has voted to approve this contract you’ll likely read about this in the press soon and as much as possible we like to have you hear important news from the Association first whenever possible.  In the Patriot Ledger article Chairman Minahan says that they’re changing it from a contract to an agreement.  Under Massachusetts General Laws the terms contract and agreement are synonymous, changing from one term to the other makes no real difference.

The second reason this is important is because it represents a real financial risk to the taxpayers of Southfield.  The current SRA employees haven’t received a raise in several years and they are certainly due one now.  But the Southfield Neighborhood Association Board felt strongly that by creating and entering into a contract with an employee represented an unacceptable risk to the residents of Southfield and both resident Board members were made aware of that point.  First, offering a contract is in direct opposition to the enabling legislation which directed the SRA to have only at will employees like the rest of the Commonwealth.  But second, and frankly more important, is that should the employee be terminated it exposed the SRA and it’s taxpayers (us) to possible expensive litigation.  A terminated employee could file a lawsuit, no matter how frivolous, and the SRA would potentially have to spend tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees or a settlement to fight the lawsuit thus increasing the taxes we have to pay.

What could have been done?  The whole situation could have been solved with a simple one and a half page offering to the employee.  If the employee had been given the simple employment offer, with the same employment terms as the contract, there would have been no grounds for litigation potentially saving the Authority and by extension the taxpayers thousands of dollars should there be a dispute.  Such an offer was on the table at last night’s Board meeting and for whatever reason the six members of the SRA BOD, one of our own resident representatives included in the six; ignored Mayor Hedlund, the Weymouth Town Council, and the Southfield Neighborhood Association Board and voted in favor of a contract.  Although the contract is against the legislation and shouldn’t have been offered in the first place, now that is has been executed the SRA is bound by the terms of that contract no matter how detrimental it may be to us.  At this point the only thing the residents can do is make sure that all future employees are not offered a contract.  Every employee that is offered a contract adds to the potential liability for the taxpayers in our community.  Now that the first employee has been completed the SRA will move on to the next employee.  

We need to make sure that all future employees are not also offered contracts.  Each contract just adds more and more cost to the SRA thus adding more and more tax revenue they need to collect.  Our Southfield rate has already increased from $0.50/$1000 to $0.54/$1000 for the current Fiscal Year.  If the SRA is allowed to continue to operate in this manner the Southfield rate could potentially because too burdensome to support commercial or resident development. 

The Southfield Neighborhood Association Board of Directors will meet very soon to discuss our strategy going forward.  We may need resident help to write letters or attend SRA BOD meetings in the future to make sure that the SRA doesn’t offer another contract to another employee.  If you have any questions or comments for the Board please send them to: ericjmillersna@gmail.com or reply to this email. 

Master Landowners Association 

For those that missed the meeting last month with L Star, they are planning on setting the Southfield Master Landowners Association.  Initially the Landowners Association will begin charging dues based on the rate plan in place when we all purchased our houses and included in our closing documents.  Once the Landowners Association is set up L Star will begin the process, with resident input, of amending the Landowners Association documents to bring them in line with the new vision for Southfield.

January 2016 Newsletter

Neighborhood Association Meeting

The Southfield Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting and Election will is Tuesday January 5th beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Commons.  At that time we will hold elections for President, Secretary, Director A, and Director C.  Any Active member is eligible to vote.  If you aren’t able attend the meeting but would still like to vote the ballot is attached.  Please fill it out this ballot, put it in an envelope with your name on the outside, and give it to someone attending the meeting.  For those attending the meeting please print out a ballot and bring it with you.  We’ll have limited numbers at the meeting.

After the election we will be joined by Phyllis DeLaricheliere from the Eventide project.  She will give us an overview of what their project will become and their progress with construction.

Master HOA 

We all knew this day would come.  L Star has informed our Association that they will be organizing the Southfield Landowners Association (this may or may not become the actual name) which will be the Master HOA for all of Southfield.  It will be this coming Landowners Association that, similar to those already in an HOA, will maintain the parks, roads, and other community property currently being maintained by L Star as the development grows.  The Landowners Association will work closely with but be separate from our Neighborhood Association.  Our Neighborhood Association is an organization created to represent the political interests of the residents of Southfield and will continue to do that.

Within the coming months you’ll receive a letter from L Start in the mail giving notice that they’ll be creating this Master HOA.  A meeting date will be part of this notice (Meeting date not set yet).  All residents are invited and encouraged to attend this meeting.  At this meeting we will be presented with a budget.

L Star has said that they will initially honor the Master Association rates that were being advertised by LNR when we all first moved here.  For those in a Townhome or Cottage the rate will be $19-$29 per month on top of any current HOA fee you pay.  For those in single family homes you will begin to pay $48 per month.

SRA personnel 

Luckily the politics of Southfield have been quiet lately.  Once the legislation passed the new SRA BOD began the hard work of implementing the new legislation.  So far their work has either had a neutral or positive impact on the residents that live here.  That may soon change.  The SRA is in the process of amending the Employee Handbook and reviewing their personnel needs.  Both of these items will be on the SRA BOD agenda at their January 11th meeting.

These two items become issues because as what was formerly the SSTTDC becomes the new SRA, the expenses and income become much smaller.  Thus every unnecessary expense is magnified because of a smaller tax base.  As the legislation was being amended the vision was for a smaller, slimed down redevelopment authority.  We need to make sure that that vision is put in place.  While the personnel review has already began, it isn’t finished.  There may come a day in the coming month or two where we will need the help of the residents to remind the SRA Board that we will not allow a return to bloated bureaucracy that was the SSTTDC.  Stay tuned.