Southfield Neighborhood Association Open Board of Directors Position

Hello Neighbors,

RE:  Seeking a candidate for the open Board of Directors position

March 12, 2019


The SNA (Southfield Neighborhood Association) has received a resignation from a board member (Article XII – Section 2), who will be moving and therefore resulting in an open SNA Board of Directors position.  We are seeking any interested persons to please submit in writing a letter of interest with credentials and a resume for the open position by 5 pm on Friday, March 29, 2019.  Please submit all letters of intent in a PDF format to (Lori Gover, HOA Meadows) Board of Director – Communications.  Please include in the subject line:  Board of Directors position

Duties of the Board – Article VIII – Section 4

The Board of Directors shall manage and control the affairs and property of the Association.  The general management by the Board of Directors shall include, but not be limited to:

a.       Ensuring that the minutes of all the meetings are kept:

b.       Representing the Association in all matters;

c.       Maintaining records of the activities of the organization and the Board of Directors;

d.       Gathering information and carry out research on the neighborhood issues;

e.       Publicizing meeting and other activities of the Association and neighborhood;

f.        Encouraging and assisting the formation and activities of any affiliated organizations

g.       Holding neighborhood meetings inviting the community at large, including Members and other residents; and

h.       Engaging in such other activities as may be lawful and customary for Neighborhood Association consistent with applicable law.

Article XIII Removals, Resignations and Vacancies:

Section 3:  Any vacancy in the board of Directors or an Office shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Directors at any meeting of the Board of Directors.  Each such successor shall hold office for the remaining unexpired term.


Article V – Nondiscrimination Policy

The Association will not practice or permit any unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex, age, race, color, national origin, religion, physical handicap or disability, sexual identity, sexual preference, gender identity or any other basis prohibited by law